
Chrome Browser Actions provide a really nice popup effect by default.

dead ImageShack image link removed

  • Hovering over the toolbar icon provides a neat hover effect.

  • Clicking the toolbar icon shows a nice animation that opens the popup html file.

  • The popup is aligned with the button that is pressed.

  • Clicking the toolbar icon again fades out the popup.

Any thoughts on how to approximate this effect with Firefox extensions? Has anybody successfully achieved something similar to this effect?


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Solution 2

In case anybody is researching this and trying to find out the answer, ultimately using a panel within the toolbarpalette in the browser.xul file worked well for me.


For everyone who is just starting with your first Firefox extension like I did here is an example code:


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://yourextname/skin/toolbar.css" type="text/css"?>

<overlay id="yourextname_overlay" xmlns="">
        <menupopup id="yourextname_menu_popup">
            <menuitem label="Website" oncommand="gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab('');" />
            <menuseparator />
            <menuitem label="Options" oncommand="'chrome://yourextname/content/options.xul', 'Options', 'dialog,chrome,modal,titlebar,toolbar,centerscreen=yes');" />

        <panel id="yourextname_popup" noautohide="false" noautofocus="true">
            <label control="vvvname" value="Name:"/><textbox id="vvvname"/>

    <toolbarpalette id="BrowserToolbarPalette">
        <toolbarbutton id="yourextname_toolbar_button" class="toolbarbutton-1" context="yourextname_menu_popup" oncommand="document.getElementById('yourextname_popup').openPopup(document.getElementById('yourextname_toolbar_button'), 'after_start', 0, 0, false, false);" label="button name" tooltiptext="tooltip" />

This will add icon to the toolbar button:

#yourextname_toolbar_button {

toolbar[iconsize="small"] #yourextname_toolbar_button {


content yourextname chrome/content/
overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://yourextname/content/overlay.xul

skin    yourextname classic/1.0 skin/
style   chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul chrome://yourextname/skin/toolbar.css

NOTE: Make sure you replace all "yourextname" strings with something unique, best with your extension name.

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