
I've read about Single-Page Applications recently and wanted to try one out. After watching Steve Sanderson's presentation ( I wanted to create a Single-Page App in my Visual Studio 2010 and test it out myself. But then I found out I can't choose an SPA template anymore, as it was removed in RC version.

Now, the question is - what should I do in Visual Studio 2010 (with MVC4 installed) to be able to create an SPA? I'd like to use KnockoutJS for UI and Upshot for data, both of which I'm able to install using Nuget. I haven't found anything relevant on the Web, every single page I've been to is telling me to use the SPA template, which has been removed since.

Thanks for any suggestion!

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SPA was excluded from RC because it wasn't ready in time for MVC4 release. Official ASP.NET SPA page. You can create project with MVC template and scaffold SPA via NuGet (SPA scaffolding)


For Visual Studio 2010, try using Hot Towel by John Papa. Create an empty MVC4 app, then install a Nuget from Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package HotTowel  
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