
I know the iPhone has a site with sample apps and code for the iPhone. Are there any resources out there for the iPad?

I would like iPad specific examples like using split view, etc.

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If you're a member of the Apple Developer Connection who's paid for the $99/year iPhone developer license, the iPhone Dev Center has everything you need for iPad support, including:

When you get to the iPhone Dev Center, click "iPhone SDK 3.2 beta."


My BSD-licensed open source application Molecules has been updated with an iPad interface to make it a universal iPhone / iPad application, and the code for that is available for you to peruse. It uses a UISplitViewController to define its primary iPad interface, with UIPopoverControllers for additional toolbar actions.

We just released the source code to our game, Tap Blaster HD. It's fairly simple, but seen quite a few downloads on the App Store. Could be a nice project to learn a bit from.

Here's a link, hope you find it useful.

I don't know if you can find real ipad sample for now... There is no sample Apps with "split view controler" or the "Popover" component" like they recommand in the Guideline for iPad

Nb. : In xCode, you can start a new project with "Split View-based Application" template, this is a minimalistic implementation of the Ipad split view.

iPad runs the iPhone OS, so iPhone sample apps are iPad sample apps.

You can go to Xcode > Help > Developer Documentation to search for sample apps.

check the source code for iPad Split view Controller Tutorial at the following link.iPad Split View Navigation Controller Sample code

Here is an improved splitview controller, MGSplitViewController from Matt Gemmell.

Few days ago I found a really nice book for iPad programming :

iPad Programming: A Quick-Start Guide for iPhone Developers

I took it as eBook, there are some really interesting advanced samples that will help you to create reach human experience application.

Moreover, you can download all sample code explain on the book.

For more information go here :

Unfortunately, this eBook is not free...

The Molecules sample code is a great sample because it covers writing a single app that works on both ipad and iphone interfaces, and uses ipad split view controller.

you would google for Open sourced "iPad apps" or "universal apps". you will find some nice apps like wikihow, wordpress, molecules..etc.

All the best.

I have found lots of great iPhone & iPad code on Lots of nice reusable libraries too like AFNetworking, NSLogger, and more.

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