
Just hooked SignalR.WindowsAzureServiceBus to my web project and it appears to cause a problem in the SignalR.Client library. I get the following error when I send a message:

Format Exception: Input string was not in a correct format.

So I downloaded the source and debugged and this is the offending line of code

connection.MessageId = result["MessageId"].Value<long>();


It results from trying to parse the following JSON pair's value to a long:

"MessageId": "3wIAASMAAAA%3D"

It appears that with Service Bus enabled, the MessageId is not a long, as "3wIAASMAAAA%3D" is clearly not parsable to a long.

I see the topics are created in the Azure management portal, so I know it's connecting to the Service Bus just fine.

Did I do something silly or do I need to patch it for a workaround?

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Seems like a bug. I've opened an issue on github.

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