
I have one application that interacts with the server. If the server is down then then I will get ERROR_WINHTTP_CANNOT_CONNECT I am using getLastError() API to get this error code, I am handling this error code to display proper error messages to the users. This program works fine in Windows 2003. When i tried with Windows7 i am not getting any error, getLastError() API returns 0 every time even if error is occurred. I am using C++ as of programming language is concerned.

Thanks In advance


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Solution 2

I have observed different behavior of GetLastError API in Windows 2003 and in Windows 7. Below are my observation details

In windows 2003:

Example Code:

WinHttpOpen () – Completes successfully

Winhttpconnect() – This API is failed due to some reasons, say error code 12029

GetLastErrorCode() – Returns error code 12029 as expected

WinHttpCloseHandle(hOpen); - Closing handle for HttpOpen, completes successfilly

GetLastErrorCode() – Returns error code 12029

In Windows 7

Example Code:

WinHttpOpen () – Completes successfully

Winhttpconnect() – This API is failed due to some reasons, say error code 12029

GetLastErrorCode() – Returns error code 12029 as expected

WinHttpCloseHandle(hOpen); - Closing handle for HttpOpen, completes successfully

GetLastErrorCode() – Returns error code 0 // see the difference with Windows 2003 example, on windows 2003 this API returns last error which is 1209


If you make any Windows API calls between the failure and the time you call GetLastError(), the error code can get reset to 0 when that API call succeeds.

You need to call GetLastError() immediately after the failure, and save that value rather than trying to wait and call GetLastError() later.

Answer From Microsoft on this behaviuor

The rules for GetLastError are:

•   If the WinHttp API returns error (for example WinHttpIsHostInProxyBypassList, this is the error and GetLastError should *NOT* be called.
o   If GetLastError() is called, regardless of the success or failure of the API, the returned value is unpredictable and may change between Windows versions, Service Packs, or even between runs.
•   If the WinHttp API returns BOOL (for example WinHttpSetTimeouts,, it indicates failure by returning FALSE. If the caller is interested in the detailed error, (s)he should call GetLastError(). Note that GetLastError should be called *if and only if* the API failed.
o   If GetLastError() is called when the API succeded (returned anything but FALSE), the returned value is unpredictable and may change between Windows versions, Service Packs, or even between runs. 
•   If the WinHttp API returns HINTERNET (pseudo handle) the rules are exactly the same, except failure is indicated by returning NULL. 
o   If GetLastError() is called when the API succeded (returned anything but NULL), the returned value is unpredictable and may change between Windows versions, Service Packs, or even between runs. 
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