
I have apache vhost configured with SSL and mod_wsgi its working fine:

< VirtualHost >

SSLEngine on 
WSGIScriptAlias / /home/maciek/workspace/imid2py/
WSGIDaemonProcess web2py user=maciek group=www-data \ 
              home=/home/maciek/workspace/imid2py/  \
              processes=10 maximum-requests=500

< Location "/" >

   WSGIProcessGroup web2py

< /Location >

< /VirtualHost >

However, I need to allow connections to specific url over http without ssl. So basically I want _the_same_ WSGI daemon to be visible on two virtual hosts: one with ssl, one without. I want this to be same daemon, because I use some common variables in memory. A way around is possible (ex, storing them in db) but painstaking.

< VirtualHost>

    <Location "/welcome/default/handleRequest">
            WSGIProcessGroup web2py  #I want this to be the same daemon as above

< /VirtualHost >

How can I configure wsgi/apache to do that? Is it possible?

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This is covered by web2py documentation in web2py book. Go read the sections of that book. See links at:

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