
I'm trying to use the ViewPageIndicator library in my class, but am running into difficulties. I downloaded the library from Git, created a new Android project using the library code, and it is filled with errors. I made sure that the support libraries for v4 and v13 are there, which cut down on the errors by quite a bit, but there are still hundreds of errors flagged by Eclipse. Most of them are due to @Override which leads me to believe I'm missing a support library. The installation instructions on the GitHub page are as vague as can be and just mentions adding it as a library to your project, nothing more. So is there something that I'm missing here?

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@Overide errors can be solved simply by doing the following:

  1. Right click Project > Properties

  2. Java Compilers > click 'Enable project specific settings' and set Compiler level to 1.6

  3. Click 'Apply'

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