
Using COUNTIF(range,"<>") can I count non-empty cells and with COUNTIF(range,"~?") or COUNTIF(range,"~*") can I calculate the number of cells matching a wildcard character, but can I do it with one COUNTIF() ?

COUNTIF(range,"<>~?") does not work.

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My understanding here is that you want to count cells in a range that satisfy two conditions - 1) they are not blank, 2) they are not "?"

If you are using Excel 2007 or later try COUNTIFS (with an "S" on the end) with both conditions like this


or for earlier versions use SUMPRODUCT


[Note: you don't need ~ in the latter]

In Excel 2003 or earlier range can't be a whole column. You can use the same approach for *


Using COUNTIF(range,"<>") can I count non-empty cells

You can use COUNTA() to Count Non Empty Cells.


If you still want to use COUNTIF() then yes, you can use it like


You can use wildcards to count for cells which have specific words like this

=COUNTIF(A1:A10,"Kim*")   '<~~ Starts with "Kim"
=COUNTIF(A1:A10,"*Kim*")  '<~~ Contains "Kim"
=COUNTIF(A1:A10,"*Kim")   '<~~ Ends with "Kim"

To count Not Equal to With WildCards, you can use this

=COUNTIF(A1:A10,"<>Kim*")   '<~~ Doesn't Start with "Kim"

this may have been just fixed in Excel 2010: =COUNTIF(H:H,"<>~?") correctly counts only non-? values in column H (so ? and '? reduce the count, but quoted "?", A, etc all don't)

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