
Their Python example seems to be the simplest, although I disagree with using the variable named cakeToken because that's confusing me with the Item Name being purchased:

cakeToken = jwt.encode(
    "iss" : sellerIdentifier,
    "aud" : "Google",
    "typ" : "google/payments/inapp/item/v1",
    "exp" : int(time.time() + 3600),
    "iat" : int(time.time()),
    "request" :{
      "name" : "Piece of Cake",
      "description" : "Virtual chocolate cake to fill your virtual tummy",
      "price" : "10.50",
      "currencyCode" : "USD",
      "sellerData" : "user_id:1224245,offer_code:3098576987,affiliate:aksdfbovu9j"

Q: Where are they getting jwt from, or is that a variable that is being created?

I suppose SELLER_SECRET is a variable, populated from the sandbox settings page.

I think we would use dateadd('s',3600,now()) instead of time.time()+3600.

They also advise to use Google OpenID instead of rolling your own login, but that seems to be quite complex.

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The python example uses the pyjwt library. The Java version (which I imagine could be done easily in ColdFusion) uses the jsontoken library. I don't see a jar download for the library, but it includes a Maven build file you could use to build one yourself. All the libraries Google suggests are listed here:

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