
I would like to know if there is a posibility of publishing my actions on facebook timeline if the user is not logged on facebook, I mean through a cron job, actually my users have an extended token, but if they are not connected on facebook, it can't publish anything on their timelines

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I believe you have to use app access tokens.

If your app publishes on behalf of its users and requires an access token with no expiration time, you should use an App Access Token. An App Access Token is signed using your app secret and will not expire; it will be invalidated if you re-key/reset your application secret.


I would like to know if there is a posibility of publishing my actions on facebook timeline if the user is not logged on facebook

Why would you do that, anyway?

Where is the actual action the user is undertaking, if they are not even logged in to your site?

Sounds like an abuse of Open Graph actions to me.

I do not think its possible cause the session does not exits, when you try $facebook->getAccessToken(); it will return an error if no session exits.

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