
I am trying to create a archive list for a blog application. I have a veiw model which has this code snippet:

@model IEnumerable<NPLHBlog.Models.ArchiveListModels>
        @foreach (var item in Model)
            <li>@item.ArchiveMonth/@item.ArchiveYear : @item.PostCount</li>

I am trying to print the item.ArchiveMonth as 'Jan' instead of '1'.

the ArchiveListModel is as follows:

public class ArchiveListModels
    public int ArchiveYear { get; set; }
    public int ArchiveMonth { get; set; }
    public int PostCount { get; set; }

and blogs are read from repository as follows:

    public IQueryable<ArchiveListModels> ArchiveList()
        var archiveList = from blogs in db.Blogs
                          group blogs by new { blogs.PublishDate.Year, blogs.PublishDate.Month }
                              into dateGroup
                              select new ArchiveListModels()
                                  ArchiveYear = dateGroup.Key.Year,
                                  ArchiveMonth = dateGroup.Key.Month,
                                  PostCount = dateGroup.Count()
        return archiveList;

Many thanks.

Was it helpful?


To get the full month name

int month = 1;

Or you can use the datetime string format:

int month = 1;
var dt = new DateTime(2012, month, 1):
var monthAbbr = dt.ToString("MMM");

Or you can do a lookup against the abbreviations list

int month = 1;
var monthAbbr =     System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.DateTimeFormat.AbbreviatedMonthNames[month];



or for abrev


I believe you want:


You can even create your own DateTime object for a specific month:

DateTime jan = new DateTime(2012, 1, 1);
return jan.Date.ToString("MMM");

If you want to use ViewBags for the datas from your database you can also use that format easly. Just keep in mind.

@foreach (var item in ViewBag.HealthCare)
    @item.Created_Date.ToString("MMMM yyyy")

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