
I have a temporary file with data that's returned as part of a SOAP response via a MTOM binary attachment. I would like to trash it as soon as the method call "ends" (i.e., finishes transferring). What's the best way for me to do this? The best way I can figure out how to do this is to delete them when the session is destroyed, but I'm not sure if there's a more 'immediate' way to do this.

FYI, I'm NOT using Axis, I'm using jax-ws, if that matters.

UPDATE: I'm not sure the answerers are really understanding the issue. I know how to delete a file in java. My problem is this:

public class MyWebService {

 public MyFileResult getSomeObject() {
   File mytempfile = new File("tempfile.txt");
   MyFileResult result = new MyFileResult();
   result.setFile(mytempfile);  // sets mytempfile as MTOM attachment

   // mytempfile.delete() iS WRONG
   // can't delete mytempfile because it hasn't been returned to the web service  client
   // yet.  So how do I remove it?

   return result;
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I ran into this same problem. The issue is that the JAX-WS stack manages the file. It is not possible to determine in your code when JAX-WS is done with the file so you do not know when to delete it.

In my case, I am using a DataHandler on my object model rather than a file. MyFileResult would have the following field instead of a file field:

private DataHandler handler;

My solution was to create a customized version of FileDataSource. Instead of returning a FileInputStream to read the contents of the file, I return the following extension of FileInputStream:

private class TemporaryFileInputStream extends FileInputStream {
    public TemporaryFileInputStream(File file) throws FileNotFoundException {

    public void close() throws IOException {

Essentially the datasource allows reading only once. After the stream is closed, the file is deleted. Since the JAX-WS stack only reads the file once, it works.

The solution is a bit of a hack but seems to be the best option in this case.


Are you using standard java temp files? If so, you can do this:

File script = File.createTempFile("temp", ".tmp", new File("./"));
... use the file ...
script.delete(); // delete when done.

the work folder that you set up in the context for this webapp that you're talking about. Can you set this work directory in a known directory ? If yes, then you can find the temp file within the temp work directory(that you know). Once you find, you can delete it.

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