
When I try to load the package I get this error message:

Error : .onLoad in loadNamespace() fehlgechlagen, Details:   
  Call: rgl 
  Error: dyn.load(file, DLLpath = DLLpath, ...) 
Error: Laden von Paket/Namensraum für ‘rgl’ fehlgeschlagen

That translation is just "Failed to load 'rgl' package/namespace".

All dependencies are installed. I tried to de- and reinstall it using package.install() without success. I'am running OSX 10.6, R version 2.15.0.

Has anyone ideas where the problem could be?

EDIT: I was asked to do the following

install.packages("rgl", verbose=TRUE)

As result I got:

Error in download.file(url, destfile, method, mode = "wb", ...) : unbenutzte(s) Argument(e) (verbose = TRUE)

Warnung in download.packages(pkgs, destdir = tmpd, available = available, : Download von Paket ‘rgl’ fehlgeschlagen

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How about trying to install it from source. If you have subversion installed the following code in Terminal should work. Which I got from

svn checkout svn://
R CMD INSTALL ./rgl/pkg/rgl –configure-args=”–disable-carbon” rgl


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