
I have a link to a page which invokes the 'Sexy Alert Box' script to pop a message asking if users agree to Terms and Conditions with options "I Agree" and "Cancel".

I've got that much going but now I need for the "I Agree" option to send them to a new page. ("Cancel" returns the user the current page.)

Something to do with document.location.href?

I am using the mootools framework.

Sexy Alert Box 1.2 mootools & jQuery

Here's the code:

<a href="#" 
    onclick="Sexy.confirm('Do you agree to the terms and conditions?', {
        textBoxBtnOk: 'I Agree', // goes to
        textBoxBtnCancel: 'Cancel' // return to current page    
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The standard, built-in javascript confirm function will return true or false, depending on the button pushed (this is a synchronous action), but this Sexy.confirm plugin looks like something that is going to return its choice via callback functions (it will be an asynchronous action).

For example,

function doConfirm() {
    Sexy.confirm('Do you agree to the terms and conditions?', {
        textBoxBtnOk: 'I Agree',
        textBoxBtnCancel: 'Cancel',
        onComplete: function(returnvalue) {
            // here is where you act, after user has made a choice...
            if (returnvalue) {
                //alert ("pressed OK");
                window.location.href = '/page1/';
            else {
                //alert("pressed Cancel");
                window.location.href = '/page2/';
    return false; // this is to cancel the native click event

And then you can make your link tags a little nicer,

<a href="#" onclick="return doConfirm();">Link</a>

Good luck!


With Mootools:

Use for HTML

<a class="confirm" href="">Google Fr</a>
<a class="confirm" href="">Google Be</a>

And JavaScript

window.addEvent('domready', function () {
    $$('a.confirm').each(function (el) {
        el.addEvent('click', function (e) {
            Sexy.confirm('<h1>Etes-vous sur de vouloir suivre ce lien ?</h1>',{ 
                onComplete: function(returnvalue) {
                    if (returnvalue) {
                        window.location.href = el.get('href');
                textBoxBtnOk: 'Oui',
                textBoxBtnCancel: 'Non'
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