
I have a table that gets information from my local MySQL server. It reads the data very well and post it on GUI.

My question is , how can I refresh my table when I change my table command, for example:

private String sql = "select * from profildb.tbl_detailed";  //to
private String sql = "select * from profildb.tbl_detailed where Y.."; //this

This action will be handled in my Button Action Listener ;

    JButton btnOK = new JButton("");
    btnOK.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {

            if( (tfBirinci.getText().isEmpty() || tfBirinci.getText() == null) && (tfIkinci.getText().isEmpty() || tfIkinci.getText() == null ))
                taLog.setText("Database alani bos birakilamaz...\n");
            else if ( (!(tfBirinci.getText().isEmpty() )) && (tfIkinci.getText().isEmpty() || tfIkinci.getText() == null ) )
                sql = ("SELECT * FROM " + tfBirinci.getText());
                taLog.setText("Komut elde edildi : " + sql + "\n");
                System.out.println("aaaa " + tfBirinci.getText());
                //databaseHistoryCalistir(); doesnt work
            else if ( ( !(tfBirinci.getText().isEmpty() ) &&  !(tfBirinci.getText() == null) )  && ( !(tfIkinci.getText().isEmpty() ) && !(tfBirinci.getText() == null) ) )
                sql = ("SELECT * FROM " + tfBirinci.getText() + " WHERE " + tfIkinci.getText());
                taLog.setText("Komut elde edildi : " + sql + "\n" );
                System.out.println("bbbb " + tfBirinci.getText());
                //databaseHistoryCalistir(); doesnt work
                taLog.setText("Lütfen Database alanini doldurunuz, aksi taktirde komut elde edilemez...\n");

So , what I need to implement for ONLY update the table when I change the statement of my string ?

Thanks in advance. (It would be awesome to give an example about DefaultTableModel)

Edit , You can see my full code here :

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1) use Table from Database by @camickr

2) use one of ResultsetTableModel

3) call SQL statement from Runnable#Thread, but output to the XxxTableModel must be inside invokeLater, more in the Concurency in Swing about Event Dispatch Thread (EDT)

4) call SQL statement from SwingWorker, then output from progress(), publish() or done() should be on EDT

5) DefaultTableModel doesn't required override methods fireXxxTableXxx, all of them are correctly implemented

6) difference betweens logics Table from Database (ResultsetTableModel) and Runnable#Thread(SwingWorker) is

  • Table from Database (ResultsetTableModel) calling all updates on EDT, then GUI waiting for all event are done, during loading data from database is GUI unresponsible or freeze

  • Runnable#Thread(SwingWorker) all updates are from backgourng task and GUI is resposible for Mouse and Keyboard events,

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