
I'm trying to save some configuration info and I wish to use NINI library and files within IsolatedStorage. I don't know why but when I try to save the configuration I got the following exception on Nini Save method: Source cannot be saved in this state

Here's the code:

        isf = IsolatedStorageFile.GetStore(IsolatedStorageScope.User | IsolatedStorageScope.Assembly | IsolatedStorageScope.Domain, null, null);
        var isfs = new IsolatedStorageFileStream("file.ini", FileMode.Create, isf);
        //Stream s = new StreamWriter(isfs);

        IConfigSource mainSource = new IniConfigSource(isfs);

        var config1 = mainSource.Configs["General"];

        if (config1 == null)
            config1 = mainSource.Configs["General"];
        config1.Set("CW", CommentWidth);


The exception happens in mainSource.Save(); . Any ideas?

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From the constructor documentation for IniConfigSource(Stream):

This is a non-savable source unless you call one of the overloaded Save methods.

So, you probably want Save(Stream). You might want to Seek the stream back to the origin before passing it to Save.

Contrary to your comments, I tried this out, and discovered that the isfs stream had been closed (presumably by the constructor method - it's not documented what it will do to the stream) - so I got a different error message. This led me to re-initializing isfs and, as I had said, passing it to the Save method:

isfs = new IsolatedStorageFileStream("file.ini", FileMode.Create, isf);

and it works fine.

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