
We are using class alv and function alv, what is the difference between those options?

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  • Some of the differences:

    • You can create screens using function modules however classes have to call separate program to generate screens.
    • Classes are more secure than FMs.
    • Class type increases the performance.
    • Class type is OO, it allows more flexibility. Can have multiple ALVs in one screen.
    • Classes will allow reusability better than FM because being Object Oriented.
    • Classes are instantiable while function groups are not.
    • Objects are the instance of class but FMs are not instances of a Function Group.
    • Function modules can be executed asynchronously and can be called by other systems remotely also.
    • A program can work with instances of several function groups at the same time however it cannot work with several instances of a single function group.

*This referance could be helpful too.

Hope it was helpful


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