
I'm (manually) testing a RESTful API that makes full use of GET/POST/PUT/DELETE methods. Rather than using cURL on the command line to quickly test different input options, it would be handy if there were a windows GUI application to make this easier. Does anything like that exist?

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Use Poster with Firefox.


I know this post is a bit old, but Dev HTTP Client for Chrome is by far the best plugin I've found.

Along with providing a nice UI that pretty formats responses (like JSON and XML), it allows you to save any requests. IMHO, the best feature is the ability to set different "contexts" and set variables. For instance, you can have a "production" and "dev" context, each with a "host" variable. Then your request string could be http://${host}/foo.

Insomnia is a beautiful desktop application for Windows, Mac and Linux for debugging restful APIs (my personal favourite)

Postman is a Chrome extension for API testing and doing custom http requests. You can save requests for later use, setup different environments (staging, deployment) and collaborate and share requests with others on your team.

HttpRequester for Firefox is similar to Postman.

I like RESTclient. It doesn't format HTML, though (I assume Poster does), so if you get a 500 error you get to dredge through the return text yourself.

Also XHR POSTER with Chrome
I would say has a better UI then Poster.

XHR has been giving me problems. DHC by Restlet for Chrome is pretty nice also.

Found a useful (free) web tool for this that now exists!

Try gURL: This is a simple HTTP-request generator, based on curl

Paw for OS X is pretty nice. $29.99 as of this writing.

Fiddler is a very good tool. You can see history of requests, supports all HTTP verbs, completes the request with necessary headers (like Content-Length). The feature you are looking for is called "Request Builder".

In the interest of trying to keep this list up to date, here is an even better, newer Chrome extension: Advanced REST Client

Out of all the Firefox extensions I tried, HttpRequester is the best tool for me. It is very clear and doesn't lack a feature.

For Chrome, I would recommend Advanced REST client or Postman.

I think Hurl is a great candidate for that?

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