
I'm regularly generating histograms from simulated data, and find it quite helpful to attach an associated decile table for the data. I've been doing this with the addtable2plot function from plotrix. I also find it useful to highlight the row in the table which contains the 50% value - here is an example:


# Generate data

mu <- -1.771957
sd <- 0.4716474

foo <- rlnorm(100000, mu, sd)

# Generate decile table
xmax <- .75

max <- format(xmax, digits=2, nsmall=2)

dc <- quantile(foo, probs=seq(0, 1, 0.1))
dps <- c("100%", "90%", "80%", "70%", "60%", "50%", "40%", "30%", "20%", "10%", "0%")
dc <- format(round(dc, digits=2), nsmall=2)

decile <-
deciles <-,dc), row.names=FALSE)
colnames(deciles) <- c("Probability", "Rate")
deciles$"Rate" <- as.character(deciles$"Rate")
deciles[1,2] <- "0.00"
deciles[11,2] <- paste(">", max, sep="")

# create a plot
hist(foo, freq=F, xlim=c(0,xmax), breaks=50, col="blue")
top <- max(axis(2))
rect(xleft=(.69*xmax), xright=(1.04*xmax), ybottom=(.615*top), ytop=(.665*top), col="gray91", border=NA)
addtable2plot(x=(1.04*xmax), y=(top), xjust=1, yjust=0, table=deciles, cex=0.82,
          title="Title", hlines=TRUE, vlines=TRUE, bty="o", lwd=1.5, bg="transparent")

As you can see, I've been shading simply by adding a colored rectangle underneath the table plot. This takes a lot of tweaking on the xleft, ybottom, and ytop parameters for each histogram.

Is there any way to consistently do this highlighting without all the hassle? Thanks,

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You mean like this, maybe:

bg_col <- matrix("white",nrow(deciles),ncol(deciles))
bg_col[11,] <- "grey"

# create a plot
hist(foo, freq=F, xlim=c(0,xmax), breaks=50, col="blue")
top <- max(axis(2))
rect(xleft=(.69*xmax), xright=(1.04*xmax), ybottom=(.615*top), ytop=(.665*top), col="gray91", border=NA)
addtable2plot(x=(1.04*xmax), y=(top), xjust=1, yjust=0, table=deciles, cex=0.82,
          title="Title", hlines=TRUE, vlines=TRUE, bty="o", lwd=1.5, bg= bg_col)

enter image description here

As you can see, I left your rect call in there, just for comparison. There was a short note in ?addtable2plot that said:

If bg is a matrix of colors of the same dimensions as x, those colors will be the backgrounds of the cells. The default is no background color.

which is how I figured out how to do this.

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