
I'm trying to install pjsip on the iPhone simulator, but I have un into problems. I followed the tutorial from , and did the following steps:

pjproject-2.0.1 $ export DEVPATH=/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer

pjproject-2.0.1 $ export CC=/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.0

pjproject-2.0.1 $ ./configure-iphone configure-iphone error: directory /Developer/Platforms

/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer does not exist. Please install iPhone development kit

What am I missing here. Could someone please give me some clues as to how to proceed in resolving this error?

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If you are using the latest SDK then the paths are incorrect because the latest Xcode and iOS SDK has the Developer folder within the Xcode app folder. (/Applications/

Change your exports to the following

export DEVPATH=/Applications/
export CC=/Applications/


If you are following the above link and trying to install the pjsip on iPhone Simulator then skip the Building PJSIP instruction section($ cd /path/to/your/pjsip/dir$ ./configure-iphone$ make dep && make clean && make) go Direct to Simulator building instruction hope it can help you. Try and let me know if you are facing any prob.

try this, i just test it using my xcode. And i also test on device. It works.

Please check below link. You will get source code from there and can biuld for both device and simulator.

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