
In Mac 10.6, I want to cause an active application to become de-active, or minimized by Python

I know I could use sendKey in Windows with Python, then what about in Mac?

Was it helpful?


Here is what I found from a different question on Stack Overflow. It works pretty good for my problem.

import os
cmd = """
osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to keystroke "m" using {command down}' 
# minimize active window


Try appscript, an Apple event bridge available in PyPI:

from appscript import app, k
app('System Events').keystroke('N', using=k.command_down)

In addition to Yinan, which will send the keystroke to the currently active application, you can send it to a specific application as follows. Pass the following to osascript as before, or save it to a file and pass the file to osascript

tell application "Safari"
    tell application "System Events" to keystroke "r" using {command down}
end tell

This will send Cmd + r to Safari after bringing it to the foreground

Maybe you could run an OSA script (man osascript) from Python, for instance, and drive the application?

To make my scripts which already work on Windows using SendKeys from pip also work on OS X, I made a file /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/SendKeys/ (site-packages is where pip puts everything it installs on my Mac... not sure if that's configurable or not.)

The contents of the file are:

def SendKeys(keys):
    if keys == '{ENTER}'
        keys = 'return'
    from os import system
    system('osascript -e \'tell application "System Events" to keystroke ' + keys + "'")

Obviously it's not very robust, so I won't be putting it on pypi, but it's enough to make my scripts run on both OS X and Windows.

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