
Hey guys so I'm pulling down a yaml file from a web server. My NSInputStream works great with local yaml files (using file://filename.yaml url scheme)

Here's the relevant code snippet:

NSInputStream * stream = [[NSInputStream alloc] initWithURL:yamlURL];

Where yaml url is something like http:// myip:8000/assets/test.yaml Opening in a browser just results in file download...

Any thoughts?

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Is there anything you're doing with the *stream, After you initWithURL?

If you are taking the content from the InputStream inited with the local file, you would need to be creating a NSOutputStream to take the InputStream and redirect it to Safari. So I don't think just initWithURL: call with the url will tell you much, but the call to open the http:// url in safari will try to determine the content-type and try to output the file. But I don't think safari would be able to display the contents if it was a mulit-part mime yaml file.


Im way too late for this, but i just solved this exact problem, so here goes:

As per the docs,

The NSStream class does not support connecting to a remote host on iOS.

As stupid as this sounds, initWithURL will only work for a local file. But theres an easy fix...

Full explanation and code sample from apple can be found here:

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