
I want to port libUSB driver to the windows driver using WDK (In Kernel Mode). I found that libUSB internally uses the winUSB ( From libUSB Sources).

This is what I do in the libusb,

  1. I get the handle using, libusb_open_device_with_vid_pid

    or libusb internally uses pSetupDiGetClassDevsA and other pSetupDi*** functions

  2. I send the data using libusb_control_transfer or internally WinUSB's WinUsb_WritePipe

What are the equivalent functions of this in WDK in Kernel mode? Is there any sample that I can use?

NOTE: The reason I am asking for kernel mode is, I need to take this data and re-route it as HID Mini Driver.

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You should read about WDM drivers. It is a totally different story doing this in kernel mode. There is a sample in winddk called usbsamp. I suggest you to start there.

for easier approches, you may want to look at KMDF : read this

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