
I have a problem using IGraphics3D in a tChart. I can draw any type of picture over the tChart, but when I try to export the image using getImage() to a file the drawings disappear. These pictures also disappears when I click with the mouse over the Chart. I'm using the "" also and that it works how I want. However I don't know why the Graphics3D have a different behaviour.

I copy the code that shows how I create the drawings:

IGraphics3D grafics = tChart.getGraphics3D();
Series serie = tChart.getSeries(liniaGrafica.getIndexSerie());
grafics.line(X1, Y, X2, Y);

Can anyone help me with that doubt.

Thank you in advance.

No correct solution


Note you have to call the custom drawing routines at the chartPainted event. Here you have an example:

private static void initializeChart() {
    Area area1 = new Area(tChart1.getChart());

    tChart1.addChartPaintListener(new ChartPaintAdapter() {
        public void chartPainted(ChartDrawEvent e) {
            IGraphics3D grafics = tChart1.getGraphics3D();
            grafics.line(0, 0, 100, 100);
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