
I'm new to mock testing.

I want to test my Service method CorrectionService.correctPerson(Long personId). The implementation is not yet written but this it what it will do:

CorrectionService will call a method of AddressDAO that will remove some of the Adress that a Person has. One Person has Many Addresses

I'm not sure what the basic structure must be of my CorrectionServiceTest.testCorrectPerson.

Also please do/not confirm that in this test i do not need to test if the adresses are actually deleted (should be done in a AddressDaoTest), Only that the DAO method was being called.

Thank you

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A simplified version of the CorrectionService class (visibility modifiers removed for simplicity).

class CorrectionService {

   AddressDao addressDao;

   CorrectionService(AddressDao addressDao) {

   void correctPerson(Long personId) {
       //Do some stuff with the addressDao here...


In your test:

import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;

public class CorrectionServiceTest {

    public void setUp() {
        addressDao = mock(AddressDao.class);
        correctionService = new CorrectionService(addressDao);

    public void shouldCallDeleteAddress() {


Cleaner version:

public class CorrectionServiceTest {

    private static final Long VALID_ID = 123L;

    AddressDao addressDao;

    private CorrectionService correctionService;

    public void shouldCallDeleteAddress() { 
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