
I have a QTMovie object created from a file. I check that it's a valid movie with which can be played or written to file nicely.

Then this line fails with error:

Error code: -50 domain: NSOSStatusErrorDomain description: The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -50.)

(Read permission?) It happens when the movie is longer than ~15 seconds (this varies). The timerange is verified to be correct and should not result in this error anyway.

[[QTMovie alloc] initWithMovie:movie timeRange:range error:&error];

The line spawns the 32bit process QTKitServer for a couple of seconds, until it fails.

The error only occurs in Lion but not Snow Leopard.

Any ideas?

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Solved it, I used the editing functions of QTMovie, either use deleteSegment: of the old movie or create a new movie and use insertSegmentOfMovie:movie to insert the segment from the old to the new movie. Remember to set the editable attribute to yes :)

[movie setAttribute:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]
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