
So I need to update a text field. Neither the UPDATE statement or the WRITETEXT statement work when used below

CREATE TABLE MyTable (IDField int, MyField text)

DECLARE @Data1 varchar(8000), @Data2 varchar(8000), @ptrval binary(16)

SELECT @Data1 = REPLICATE('1',8000)
SELECT @Data2 = REPLICATE('2',8000)

-- this sets MyField to string of only 8000 characters
UPDATE MyTable SET MyField = @Data1 + @Data2 WHERE IDField = 1 

SELECT @ptrval = TEXTPTR(MyField ) 
FROM MyTable 
WHERE IDField = 1 

-- this causes an error: Incorrect syntax near '+'.
--WRITETEXT MyTable.MyField @ptrval @Data1 + @Data2

How am I supposed to do this when local variables cannot be of type TEXT? (If I had SSQL Server 2005 I would use varchar(max) - but I don't)

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Try using UPDATETEXT instead

WRITETEXT MyTable.MyField @ptrval @Data1 
UPDATETEXT MyTable.MyField @ptrval 8000 NULL @Data2

The insert offset is zero based so 8000 should write into the 8001st character. The delete offset is null as a value of NULL deletes all data from the insert_offset position to the end of the existing text.


Do not forget nvarchar (which you should use with ntext field) have a maximum capacity of half the varchar fields that you are using so your block sizes need to be reduced to 4000 in that case.


the values will actually vary in length so I will try it like this tomorrow:

WRITETEXT MyTable.MyField @ptrval @Data1 
UPDATETEXT MyTable.MyField @ptrval Len(@Data1) NULL @Data2

the above worked but I had to calculate the length first:

WRITETEXT MyTable.MyField @ptrval @Data1
SET @Len = LEN(@Data1)
UPDATETEXT MyTable.MyField @ptrval @Len NULL @Data2

not sure why you can't use a function like LEN() where a parameter is expected.

I had a hard time with this one.

I was trying to save long strings (actually rich text box contents) to a ntext feild.

The solution turned out to be fairly simple.

        SQLst = "UPDATE  Test SET Text = cast (@value as ntext)" & _
            " WHERE  Num = 3 "


        Dim cnn As New SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection(Tcon)
        Dim cmd = New SqlCeCommand(SQLst, cnn)
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@value", strQuestionQUESTION)

Note: strQuestionQUESTION was about 3000 characters or formatting code and text. "Num" is just an integer field in the "Test" database which also contain the ntext field name "Text"

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