
This is my first question, and something which has got me stumped. I'm not sure if this is something simple and I'm overlooking it or something not possible.

Below is a very simplified version of my original code. The end goal is to have the output as follows:

2: this is a test
3: this is another test
4: this is another test

However, with the code in its current state, its actual output is this:

2: this is a test
3: this is another test

I want object 'B' to be able to access the value of test_variable AFTER first_function() has altered it.

It works fine when I declare test_variable as static, however in the actual application it wouldn't work and when I try to echo parent::test_variable it outputs 'Object ID #17' and so on.

class A
    public $test_variable;

    function __construct()
        echo '1: ' . $this->test_variable . "<br />";
        $this->test_variable = 'this is a test';
        echo '2: ' . $this->test_variable . "<br />";

    function first_function()
        $this->test_variable = 'This is another test';
        echo '3: ' . $this->test_variable . "<br />";
        $b = new b;

class B extends A
    function __construct()
        /* Dont call parent construct */

    function second_function()
        echo '4: ' . $this->test_variable;

$a = new A;

// Outputs:
// 1:
// 2: this is a test
// 3: this is another test
// 4: 

// but I want it to output
// 1: 
// 2: this is a test
// 3: this is another test
// 4: this is another test

Many thanks for any responses. I greatly appreciate them.


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Declaring public $test_variable; inside the class means each instance (object) of the class has a copy. $test_variable in class A does not point to the same memory address as $test_variable in Class B. This is done intentionally to allow scope and remove a global state. As you said before, declaring it static will work, because then each instance shares the same variable.

In this instance, $test_variable is, in essence, a dependency that class B requires. You can get that dependency via constructor injection fairly easily:

class A
    public $test_variable;

    function __construct()
       echo '1: ' . $this->test_variable . "<br />";
       $this->test_variable = 'this is a test';
       echo '2: ' . $this->test_variable . "<br />";

    function first_function()
       $this->test_variable = 'This is another test';
       echo '3: ' . $this->test_variable . "<br />";

       // Instantiate instance passing dependency
       $b = new b($this->test_variable);


class B extends A
    function __construct($dependency)
       // Set dependency
       $this->test_variable = $dependency;

    function second_function()
       echo '4: ' . $this->test_variable;

$a = new A;

So, that's just a thought on how you might consider handling this.

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