
i'm facing a problem and i can't solve :(

By choosing an item in a selectOneRadio, i want to set a specific variable :

<h:form id="form">
    <p:selectOneRadio id="options" value="#{rechercheBean.choose}">
        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Critere 1" itemValue="c1" />
        <f:selectItem itemLabel="Critere 2" itemValue="c2" />
        <p:ajax update="critere" />

    <h:panelGrid columns="1" id="critere">
            <c:when test="#{monBean.choix eq 'c1'}">
                <h:outputText value="Critere 1 :" />
                <p:inputText id="cr1" value="#{rechercheBean.critere1}" />
            <c:when test="#{monBean.choix eq 'c2'}">
                <h:outputText value="Critere 2 :" />
                <p:inputText id="cr2" value="#{rechercheBean.critere2}" />
    <h:commandButton value="Add critere" actionListener="#{rechercheBean.add}"/>

With the managedBean SessionScope, this code works but with the ViewScope, it doesn't works.

in ViewScope, the specific variable is null when i click on the button but if i remove the component , the specific variable is set !

I need to use to switch between inputext :(

how can i resolve my problem ?

Tx a lot !

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replace the

        <c:when test="#{monBean.choix eq 'c1'}">


<panelGroup rendered="#{monBean.choix eq 'c1'}">

(replace both <c:when)

also if you are using primefaces you can replace the <h:commandButton with <p:commandButton , or just add f:ajax to your current <h:commandButton

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