
I'm beginning to use .NET 4.5's built in minification and bundling to minify & bundle my CSS and JavaScript. JavaScript minification works great, however, I have run into trouble with CSS minification. I create a style bundle using the below code -

var myCss = new string[]
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/bundles/MySiteCss/").Include(myCss ));

and then I reference them in .cshtml (razor file) as below -


It minifies the CSS file. However, if the CSS files contain styles that have background-image references, such as background-image: url('img/icon.png'), it attempts the load this icon file from a new location (derived from the bundle name) = /bundles/MySiteCss/img/icon.png

Since the icon does not exist in the location, it doesn't get loaded and displayed on the page.

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You need to have your bundles and CSS served from the same place for this to work easily. For example, change your bundle line to be:

bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/MySiteCss/").Include(myCss));

And update your reference as well:



This has been fixed in version 1.1.0-alpha1 of the Microsoft ASP.NET Web Optimization Framework.
You can get the update via NuGet ( if you include Prerelease.

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