
I have a DataGridView, whose DataSource I am setting to a List<T>. T in this case is a class with a property called Foo, whose header I want to show as Foo bar.

If it was a datatable, I could just change the query:

select Foo as [Foo bar] from Baz

But with something like this, where I'm setting the DataGridView's DataSource to a List<Baz>:

public class Baz {
   public string Foo { get; set; }

I can't rename "Foo" to "Foo bar" because it contains spaces. Do I have to rename the DataGridViewColumn manually?

The most awesome thing would be if I could use class decorators, something like this:

public class Baz {
   [DataGridViewColumnTitle("Foo bar")]
   public string Foo { get; set; }

But I as far as I can see, nothing like that exists in the standard library.

What's my best option?

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[DisplayName("Foo bar")]

(in the System.ComponentModel namespace; MSDN)

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