
my Collection fetches a few records and I have to show only top 10 records from it. I attempted

        if (count == 10) break;
        //pass model to view

unfortunately break does not work with each() API of underscore.js Refer here: how to break the _.each function in underscore.js

How do I write a filter to pluck only top 10 from the collection


UPDATE: collection.first(10) fetched me filtered list. However, I still needed to chain .each() to this collection to process the collection items. collection.first() does not allow chain. Please refer to my selected answer for solution to this.

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Then, if you need to work with each model, e.g. :

    var collection = new Backbone.Collection([{id:1}, {id:2}, {id:3}, {id:4}, {id:5}],{model: Backbone.Model});

    var newCollection = new Backbone.Collection(collection.first(2));


See the jsfiddle. ​ Note that there is another way to do it with the Underscore chain method as said in this topic.

Have a look at Backbone doc and Underscore doc.

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