
I am accessing a service that is returning json as follows:

"A":"A value",
      "B1":"B1 value",
      "B2":"B2 value"


What I want to do is parse this json and get the url and the somefile portion of the folder in a key-value pair.

So, essentially, after my script is done processing the json, it will output the url and the somefile in some delimited fashion in a file.

The output after the file has processed the above provided json would be:

url: http://someurl:someport/somefolder/somefile
file: somefile

I am pretty sure there are numerous json parsers in python that will parse the json but how would I deal with the url string that has been pre-processed with escape characters? Do I need to write my own url-encoder that will strip out the escape characters from the url string?

Also, I would need to tokenize the individual components of the url to get to the 'file' portion, are there any libraries that can help with that?


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Your example JSON doesn't need the comma after the "c_url" k-v pair.

>>> import json
>>> st = '{"A":"A value","B":{ "B1":"B1 value", "B2":"B2 value" },"C":{ "c
_url":"http:\/\/someurl:someport\/somefolder\/somefile" }}'
>>> json.loads(st)
{u'A': u'A value', u'C': {u'c_url': u'http://someurl:someport/somefolder/somefile'}, u'B': {u'B1': u
'B1 value', u'B2': u'B2 value'}}

And to get just the 'somefile' part of the URL:



So, as per

simplejson should be able to handle this "buggy" escaping algorithm. Consider:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import simplejson

print simplejson.loads('"http:\/\/someurl:someport\/somefolder\/somefile"')

Note, that simplejson is not a standard package, but is installable via easy_install.

Sample output:

[85][23:35:24] vlazarenko@alluminium (~/tests) > python 
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