
I am trying to do OmniAuth OpenID with Google Apps in Ruby on Rails. I know it should work out-of-the-box if I specify ":identifier => ''" where is the domain that my targeted users come from.

The user can get redirected to Google when accessing /auth/google without a problem, and this openid.identity can be returned from Google:

... &openid.identity= ...

However, the I am working with does not have the correct "rel='openid2.provider'" <link /> tags set up at, therefore the discovery fails when omniauth-openid tries to check with Google again.

Is there a quick and clean way to work around the default discovery behavior so that I can define as the server directly without performing the automatic discovery?


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I think omniauth-openid uses ruby-openid. If so, you should be able to get it work easily:

gem install ruby-openid-apps-discovery

Then throw in somewhere before making the request

require 'gapps_openid'

Google Apps has a slightly different discovery protocol, which is what that gem provides.


Before using the gem that Steve recommended, I came up with a workaround to make the entire discovery process happen locally only, which I find might be useful to some people. If you only accept users from a single Google Apps domain, you might want to:

  1. Add a line like in your /etc/hosts.

  2. set up a lightweight HTTP server like nginx, create a file called openid (do not append .html), and add your <link rel="openid2.provider" ... > tag there.

This is slightly faster than using ruby-openid-apps-discovery since it saves your application from sending some requests to an external https server.

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