
I am having quite a bit of trouble getting mini_magick to draw text that contains quotes, double quotes, etc. on an image. I have tried various modifications on c.draw to no avail. What is the best way to escape these characters so that c.draw will display them without an error?

error: non-conforming drawing primitive definitionm'`

produced by

 c.draw "text 8,8 'I'm'" 

Including other special character such as é will result in an error as well. I would like to be able to accept text strings from users as input, therefore the need for Unicode compatibility.

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In any case, the following works for me on the commandline:

convert \
   -size 500x100 xc:none \
   -box yellow \
   -pointsize 72 \
   -gravity center \
   -draw "text 8,8 '  \'I\'m\'  '" \
   -trim \
   +repage \

and produces this:
Example PNG showing special characters created with ImageMagicks text drawing function

For more complicated text drawing requirements, you are strongly advised to circumvent all the escaping by writing your drawing commands into a separate *.mvg (Magick Vector Graphic) file. For example with this content in 1.mvg:

 text 8,8 "öäü ß ÄÖÜ é"

and this command:

convert \
   -size 250x100 xc:none \
   -box yellow \
   -pointsize 72 \
   -gravity center \
   -draw @1.mvg \
   -trim \
   +repage \

you'll get
More special characters via an .mvg file

Or even, with 2.mvg:

push graphic-context
 viewbox 0 0 600 100
 push graphic-context
   fill 'orange'
   rectangle 0,0 600,100
 pop graphic-context
 push graphic-context
   fill 'white'
   font Palatino-Roman
   font-size 48
   stroke-width 2
   gravity SouthEast
   text 8,8 "äöü ß ÄÖÜ é"
 pop graphic-context
 push graphic-context
   fill 'green'
   rectangle 10,10 300,90
 pop graphic-context
 push graphic-context
   fill 'red'
   font Palatino-Bold-Italic
   font-size 28
   stroke-width 1
   text 18,40 "€ ¥ © ℉ ậ ḁ å ǎ à ç ë ĵ"
 pop graphic-context
pop graphic-context
and this command:

convert 2.mvg 2.png

you can get:
...and even more special characters


#Try lightweight GD2:

require 'gd2-ffij'
PATH_TO_FONT   = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/DroidSans.ttf"
    image =, 512)
    image.draw do |pen|
      pen.font = GD2::Font::TrueType[PATH_TO_FONT, 32]
      pen.color = image.palette.resolve(GD2::Color[128, 16, 16])
      pen.move_to(256, 128)
      pen.text(GD2::VERSION, 5)
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