
I don't want to add any versioning logic to the API. If I use Wildcard Sub-domains and regex in nginx.conf to determine subdomain part, I can route the request to specific directory. Here is the config:

server {

        listen 80;

        set $version $host;

        if ($version ~ "^(.+)") {
                set $version $1;

        access_log /var/log/nginx/$version-access.log;
        error_log /var/log/nginx/$version-error.log info;

        location / {
                root /opt/webapps/app_$version/www/;
                index index.php;


Question: Is there any disadvantage of such technique?

Was it helpful?


I found better way - named captures in server_name:

server {

  server_name ~^(?<version>.+).test$;
  root /your-path/$version.test;


This is method is better because:

  1. IfIsEvil
  2. It is much more cleaner
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