
At the moment when you send a Facebook tab URL link to a mobile device you get the following response 'The page you requested was not found' - does anyone know of a workout solution - maybe utilising a fb mobile app that would allow the display of page tab on mobile devices?

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I recommend you to provide App Canvas URL to show mobile version of the app to the users who use mobile devices instead of the Page Tab URL. Note that if an user access to the App Canvas URL in a mobile device, the user will see the content of the 'Mobile Web URL' in the facebook app setting, while an user access to the App Canvas URL in a desktop browser, the user will se the content of the "App Canvas URL."

  1. When an user access to the App Canvas URL in a desktop browser, just redirect to the page tab url
  2. When an user access to the App Canvas URL in a mobile device, Facebook will redirect the user to the Mobile Web URL, just serve mobile version of the app in Mobile Web URL.


try this (from here: Is it possible to show a Facebook app as a Page Tab on mobile devices?)

adding &ref=ts to the end of the url stops the page tab redirecting to the mobile version of the site.

also, remember to use /fbpageurlname?sk=app_APPID and not /fbpageurlname/app_APPID

otherwise you'll get a page not found error when you add the &ref=ts to the end of the url

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