
Is it possible to somehow run Rails.cache.clear and only clear keys with a certain name/string?

I don't want to clear the entire cache...just keys with the string blog/post in the name (ie. blog/post/1, blog/post/2).

I'm using dalli with memcached for my cache and running Rails 3.0.6.

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Solution 2

To answer my own seems that given I'm using memcached, I actually can't use delete_if or delete_matched because memcached does not support enumerating or querying keys by pattern (1).


This is how you can write to cache -

Rails.cache.write('key', 'value', :time_to_idle => 60.seconds, :timeToLive => 600.seconds)

and in order to delete from cache you can use delete action -


Delete multiple keys -

Rails.cache.delete_if {|k, v| k =~ 'key' }

You can use the gem that adds a simple implementation of delete_matched method for dalli store with memcached.

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