
I am new to sharepoint therefore don't know much - any help would be highly appreciated.

Basically i want to programatically (in the same project) :- 1. create a List and make it a Gantt View 2. Add add appropriate cololumns (that would generate the Gantt chart) to the List 3. And finally i would like to add values/data to the coloums created via this code too...

If there is a sample code or any tutorial...please

any help would be much appreciated please

thank you so much

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Try this:

using (SPSite site = new SPSite("http://yoursite/"))
    using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
        Guid id = web.Lists.Add("listname", "descr", // 1

        SPList list = web.Lists[id]; // 2
        list.Fields.Add("display name", SPFieldType.Text, false);

        // You should use "InternalName" to update your field values
        foreach (SPField field in list.Fields)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}", field.InternalName, field.Title);

        SPListItem item = list.Items.Add(); // 3
        item["display name"] = "my value";
        item["PercentComplete"] = 1; // 100%
        item["StartDate"] = DateTime.Now;
        item["DueDate"] = new DateTime(2009, 12, 31);

        Guid itemId = item.UniqueId;
        SPListItem itemUpdate = web.Lists["listname"].Items[itemId];
        itemUpdate["PercentComplete"] = .45; // 45%


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