
I want to defined a variable/parameter in CSS and access it by javascript. What is the best way of doing this?

One option I thought of would be to place a cutsom attribute on the body element, then access that attribute via jQuery.

A little more info: I'm defining colour sets in CSS. I've created a function with RaphaelJS to draw a gradient background on the page. I want this function to use a highlight colour (which is not used elsewhere on the DOM) which will be defined in the CSS along with the other colour elements.


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Create a mock element using jQuery, assign the class hightlightColour to it, get any CSS definitions you might need and destroy the element.

$(function() {
    var highlightColour = getClassCSS('highlightColour', 'color');

function getClassCSS(className, attribute) {
    var mock = $('<div />').addClass(className).appendTo('body');
    var value = mock.css(attribute);
    return value;

That snippet would get the color attribute that is defined for the highlightColour class in CSS. Just make sure there's nothing overwriting the attributes. Tested and working on Firefox 3.6.

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