
I'm trying to get data from SAP via SAP Connector 3.0 on a MVC3 application.

There is no problems with the connection.

My problem is when I try to set values on a structure from a table it says

"TABLE [STRUCTURE ZHRS_ABSENCES]: cannot set value (array storing element values is null)"

My code is the following:

//create function    
IRfcFunction function = conex.Repository

//get table from function
IRfcTable absenceHoli = function.GetTable("P_ABSENCES");

//setting value to structure
absenceHoli.SetValue(0, "0000483"); //this is where the error occurs
Was it helpful?


I'm not sure about the connector you're using, but there's a similar common misunderstanding when using JCo. A table parameter can hold multiple lines. You'll usually have to append a line to the table. This will probably return some kind of structure that you'll be able to fill. Also check this answer.


I think you just need to Append a new row before trying to call SetValue


absenceHoli.SetValue("ColumnName", "0000483"); // Add further SetValue statements for further columns 

You can get the column names by putting a breakpoint on after you're got the Table Structure and examining it, which is probably nicer than just specifying column indexes.

In my case I needed to use Insert:

absenceHoli.SetValue(..., ...);
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