
Let's say I have following classes. (only most important things included)

public class Client {
    /* Some Properties */

public class ClientDocumentAssociation {
    private Client client;

    /* Some Properties */

public class Document {
    private ClientDocumentAssociation clientAssociation;

    @Field(name = "text")
    private String text;

    /* Some Properties */

My basic document search is like this:

public List<AbstractDocument> searchDocuments(String text) {
    if (text == null) {
        return newArrayList();

    FullTextEntityManager ftem = Search.getFullTextEntityManager(entityManagerProvider.get());
    MultiFieldQueryParser parser = new MultiFieldQueryParser(DOCUMENT_FIELDS, new StandardAnalyzer());
    FullTextQuery ftq;

    try {
        Query q = parser.parse(text + "*");

        ftq = ftem.createFullTextQuery(q, Document.class);


        List<AbstractDocument> results = ftq.getResultList();
        return results;
    } catch (ParseException e) {

    return newArrayList();

Now, I want to be able to search for documents, but not in the scope of the whole index, but just find documents that belong to given Client. The only thing that comes to my mind is adding the association to the index and add client id to the appropriate field in search. But that does not seem right. There must be another option and that's what I am asking for.

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Why does your initial idea seem to be wrong? In fact indexing all the data needed for your search is the recommended way of doing this. That's what @IndexedEmbedded is there for. Indexing the data will also give you more flexibility for changes in the query and/or new queries.


The other way you can do this is to use Filters. A filter can be applied to a Lucene search. Hibernate supports adding filters as annotations and enabling them at run time

Ok I actually found a solution. The thing I (and anyone who was searching for solution of the same problem) needed is setting up Criteria for the FullTextQuery.

    Session session = (Session) ftem.getDelegate();
    Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(Document.class).createCriteria("clientAssociation").add(
            Restrictions.eq("client", owner));

    /* .... */


Seems to work ok :)

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