
This problem is only in IE. Consider the following HTML:

 <div style='position:absolute;left:1em;right:1em;top:1em;bottom:1em;overflow:auto;>
 Put more than a full screen of text in here.  It *should* create a scroll inside the div.
 In IE, it stretches the div out vertically.

If you put a ton of text in the div, IE will stretch the div out beyond the declared "bottom". I know what it is doing. It considers the bottom of the page to be the bottom of the page after all of the text has been rendered. I want bottom to be the bottom of the visible window. So, I want to have a div that is centered inside the window. Is there some retarded hack to make IE comprehend the basic concept of CSS?

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When using conflicting absolute positions don't forget the fix for IE6 under the 'Creating the exception for IE5 and IE6' header in that article.


You could try using a conditional comment to add overflow:auto; for IE only.

body: 100%;

div#id height: 100%;
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