
I have an ASP.NET Web API project. I'm trying to pass some query options to my API controller like so:


But I get the following:

The query parameter '$inlinecount' is not supported.

I also get the same when I try to use $callback, $format

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? According to: I should be able to use them?

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The ASP.NET Web API provides only limited support for OData as documented in this blog post. I didn't see the query parameters you mention in that list.


In current version, web api only supports $filter, $orderby, $top and $skip. You can override QueryableAttribute to add more support on OData protocol. A checkin after public nuget release has made ValidateQuery method virtual so that you can override it to bypass the validation. Please try our nightly build at

You can also use ODataQueryOptions. The following code is equivalent to [Queryable] attribute, except that it won't throw exception when it sees unsupported options.

public IEnumerable<Product> Get(ODataQueryOptions options) 
    return options.ApplyTo(_db.Products as IQueryable) as IEnumerable<Product>; 

You can get $inlinecount by ODataQueryOptions.RawValues.InlineCount. For detail of OData query support, please see:

Support for $inlinecount was checked into the project on 12/6/2012, presumably the next release will contain this support. you can download the latest source or pick up a nightly build:

Revision: ed65e90e83c8f9391b4f4806d305c83f55d28ff6
Author: youssefm < >
Date: 12/6/2012 1:51:44 PM
[OData] Add support for the $inlinecount query option

I believe nightly packages are pushed to but I have not verified myself.

If you're using KendoUI by any chance this post explains how to disable some of the options such as $callback by switching to JSON instead of JSONP.

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