
I would like to install both the Google-Eclipse plugin (which I believe also install the GAE SDK) for my Eclipse instance, so that I may take advantage of a lot of the IDE tools and features it comes with, and also so that I can run my app from inside Eclipse.

I would also like to install just the pure GAE SDK so that I can run my app outside of Eclipse on my regular system.

Because the GAE SDK is a diverse and complex beast, I am worried about having two instances of the GAE SDK installed on the same machine (setting conflicting ENV VARs, trying to open the same port number, etc.).

Obviously, I would take care to never be running the 2 GAE dev servers (1 that ships with the Eclipse plugin, and the other that ships with the pure SDK) at the same time, but that might not guarantee that I have 0 conflicts.

I would also be fine with just installing the Eclipse plugin if there was a way to configure the GAE SDK that it ships with to run both from Eclipse as well as the bash shell. That would probably be the easiest but I don't believe this is possible to do.

Any thoughts as to what my options are here? Thanks in advance!

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You can do that by having a single SDK installed and using it for both Eclipse and also for bash shell.

You can do that by following the steps below:

  1. Download a Suitable GAE SDK from here and install it.
  2. Open Eclipse and Select Help->Install new software.
  3. In work with box enter the url as and from the list of available softwares select only "Google Plugin for Eclipse" software and select any other required plugin but not the SDKs. Keep it unchecked!
  4. After installing the selected plugins, in Window->Preferences->Google->AppEngine click on add and then select the installation directory as the directory from step 1 and give a suitable name. Make it as default.

Now you are good to go.
If you need to run from shell, invoke dev_appserver from the installation directory. Or if you want to run from from eclipse just run it from there.

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