
I have the latest Ipad compatible Monotouch library. I have upgraded my projects to use 3.2 SDK and MonoTouch 1.9 Alpha.

The docs say you need to change the Window in your XIB for the large iPad Window. I don't use XIB. I build my interface from code by constructing the object programatically. What should I be doing to get the large iPad style Window?

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Solution 2

After further investigation, I found that I needed to add an entry into the info.plist file like so:

Information Property List
          item 0            2

Once this is present the dynamic Window class that I create is the full iPad screen size.

I think it is basically telling the system that my app supports that device. Will have to find our more in the docs.


Nothing (I assume).

[UIScreen mainScreen].bounds (and its equivalent on MonoTouch) will be 768x1024 in iPad mode and 320x480 in iPhone mode. If your windows and views do not have any hard-coded values they should adopt to the new size naturally.

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