
I am getting back the following response from a charge-amount-notification. (in the sandbox env). What I am trying to do is to send an e-mail alert to a customer when I am certain the payment is cleared. Right now I am using new-order-notification and sometimes customers payments will fail and I want to make sure I am delivering the digital download when I get the money.

array (
  'charge-amount-notification' => 
  array (
    'xmlns' => '',
    'serial-number' => '962015304346298-00013-2',
    'timestamp' => 
    array (
      'VALUE' => '2012-09-01T13:25:18.732Z',
    'latest-charge-amount' => 
    array (
      'currency' => 'USD',
      'VALUE' => '99.0',
    'total-charge-amount' => 
    array (
      'currency' => 'USD',
      'VALUE' => '99.0',
    'google-order-number' => 
    array (
      'VALUE' => '962015304346298',


I was expecting an order-summary key with customer information as described in documentation.

Here is my code:

if (isset($_POST['serial-number']))
        $response = new GoogleResponse(GOOGLE_MERCHANT_ID, GOOGLE_MERCHANT_KEY);
        $google_notification_history = new GoogleNotificationHistoryRequest(GOOGLE_MERCHANT_ID, GOOGLE_MERCHANT_KEY, GOOGLE_SANDBOX ? 'sandbox' : 'production');
        $raw_xml_array = $google_notification_history->SendNotificationHistoryRequest($_POST['serial-number']);
        $raw_xml = $raw_xml_array[1];
        $response->SendAck($_POST['serial-number'], false);
        list($root, $order_data) = $response->GetParsedXML($raw_xml);

        if (isset($order_data['charge-amount-notification']))
            $data = array();
            file_put_contents("google.txt", var_export($order_data, true));
            $data['name'] = $order_data['charge-amount-notification']['order-summary']['buyer-billing-address']['contact-name']['VALUE'];
            $data['email'] = $order_data['charge-amount-notification']['order-summary']['buyer-billing-address']['email']['VALUE'];
            $data['txn_id'] = $order_data['charge-amount-notification']['google-order-number']['VALUE'];
            $data['payment_status'] = 'Completed';
            $res = save_payment($data);
            if ($res) {
                $data = payment_details(array('txn_id' => $data['txn_id']));
Was it helpful?


The <order-summary> element is included in notifications only with the 2.5 API version.
The Google Checkout HTML API Notification API states:

After establishing your web service, log in to your Merchant Center account, click on the Settings tab and then click on the Integration link in the menu on the left side of the page. Enter the URL for your web service in the API callback URL field. (You need to enter your API callback URL in both your sandbox account and your production account.) You must also indicate the format you wish to receive notifications and the API version. This documentation covers "Notification as Serial Number" and API Version 2.5.

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