
How do you clear the datebox value? On load my datebox has the following data by default: "01/01/0001 00:00:00"

From View:

@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Date, new { @id = "date", @name = "date", @data_role =     "datebox",@value="", @data_options = " {'mode':'calbox' }", @onload="this.value='';" })

From Controller:

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if you want to have an empty string in the textbox if the value is not given yet then you have to use Nullable DateTime in the Model:

class Model {
  public DateTime? Date { get;set; }

The call in the view remains the same:

@Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Date)


You can use jQuery for that:


u can use


Note: better if u set the datetime value to current datetime in ur model, or else make it nullable and set it to null (or dont set it)

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