
Each document in my users collection looks like this: access: { 123456789012345678901234: 3, 123456789012345678901235: 2, 123456789012345678901234: 1, 123456789012345678901236: 0 }

I'm trying to find all records which have access.123456789012345678901234 greater than 0 and this is how I wrote the function. (The value 123456789012345678901234 is passed to the function in the parameter companyid)

findUsersInCompany: function(companyid, callback) {
    base.db.users.find({ "access." + companyid: { "$gt": 0 } }, function(err, usersList) {
        if( err ) callback(err);
        else if( _.isEmpty(usersList) ) callback(1016);
        else callback( null, usersList );

However, I get an error which says 'Unexpected token +'

Any help on how to get this to work would be really helpful.

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You have to build up your find selector ahead of the call like this:

var selector = {};
selector["access." + companyid] = { "$gt": 0 };        
base.db.users.find(selector, function(err, usersList) {
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