
I want to learn more about sending and receiving packets with Obj C. I want to learn more about packet IDs and types. Any ideas on some easy tutorials apart from the Apple Documentation? Thanks guys!
Note: I do have basic knowlage of how to send packets. But I need to learn more about types and IDs. At the moment Im failing to make a login with

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Holy layer violation, batman!

I think what you really want to learn about is HTTP communication under iOS, not TCP/IP packets. In this day and age, there is no reason to dip down to TCP/UDP unless you are inventing a new protocol. For every protocol that exists with any popularity, there is a library that encapsulates it.

In this case, it looks like Minecraft is built on HTTP. Which is no surprise; unless your game needs realtime interaction, HTTP is a ubiquitous protocol that routes through anything.

Thus, I'd suggest you start with one of the HTTP programming guides.

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